Van Buren Public Bathing Beaches

BCDHD Environmental Health staff monitor public beaches, investigate suspected areas of surface water contamination, and protect the public health in public swimming areas within Van Buren county. To view current beach sampling test results, please visit the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Beach Guard website.


Data obtained by this program is available by visiting


Details about water sampling methods and interpretation of the results are available by visiting the State of Michigan’s website.


The beach monitoring program is conducted in accordance with the provisions of Act 368 of 1978 (Public Health Code) as referenced in Michigan Compiled Laws section MCL 333.12541 and its associated sections.

Preview text for the Public Health Code and the Michigan Compiled Laws here.


Questions or concerns about the Van Buren County Beach Monitoring Program?

Contact George Friday, Director of Environmental Health at

Preview Van Buren County Beach Water Sampling Results Below

Results Updated 7/1/2024

View of the Lake of the woods beach.

Environmental Health Resource

CDC Healthy Swimming

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