Environmental Health

We protect public health by ensuring safe water, food safety, and a clean environment through inspections and monitoring.

Van Buren and Cass County

Environmental Health Services

Our Environmental Health services cover everything from water and septic systems to food inspections, mosquito and tick surveillance, and hazardous waste disposal.

Explore our services below to learn more and take action to protect your health and the environment.

Or if you want to make a payment, please use the button below.

Well Inspection Process

Environmental Health Fee Schedule Effective of 10/01/2023

The image below details the various fees associated with permits provided by the Van Buren / Cass District Health Department. 

Environmental Health Team

Contact Us

For assistance with environmental health services, reach out to our team at the location nearest you:


Report an Environmental Concern

If you notice environmental issues like sewage leaks, unsafe water, or food safety problems, report them to the Van Buren/Cass District Health Department. We’ll investigate and take action if the issue violates the Environmental Health Code.

Reportable Environmental Health Concerns:

  • Sewage Issues: Leaking sewage or unapproved septic systems.
  • Water Supply Problems: Homes without water or using unsafe water sources.
  • Food Safety Violations: Unsafe food handling by food vendors or facilities.

How to Report an Environmental Concern:

  1. Complete the Environmental Health Complaint Form.
  2. Submit the Form: