Children’s Special Health Care Services

Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) is a program for children and some adults with special health care needs and their families. We help persons with chronic health problems by providing:

  • Coverage and Referral for specialty services, based on your child’s health problems.
  • Family-Centered Services to support you in your role as the primary caretaker of your child.
  • Community-Based Services to help you care for your child at home and maintain normal routines.
  • Culturally Competent Services that demonstrate an awareness of cultural differences.
  • Coordinated Services to pull together the services of many providers who work within different agencies.

To be eligible for Children’s Special Health Care Services, children must have a qualifying medical condition and be 25 years old or under. Persons 26 and over with cystic fibrosis, Sickle cell anemia or certain blood clotting disorders may also qualify for services.

Children’s Special Health Care Services covers more than 2,600 diagnoses.

NEW October 1, 2023: CSHCS Expanding Eligibility to Age 26

Michigan Children’s Special Health Care Services Site

Your CSHCS Family Rights and Responsibilities

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Contact Us

Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) works with you to ensure that you or your child receive the very best care.

For more information about the Children’s Special Health Care Services contact us at 269-621-3143 ext 1348

If you are unable to reach local CSHCS staff or need to speak with someone in the Michigan CSHCS Program office call the CSHCS Family Center Phone Line at 1-800-359-3722.

Pictured from left to right; Michele Woodhams, Amy Malsbary and Ermelinda Aranda
Michele Woodhams, RN
Van Buren and Cass Counties

P 269.621.3143 ext 1345
Fax 269.621.2725

Amy Malsbary, RN
CSHCS Nurse Coordinator
Van Buren and Cass County

P 269.621.3143 ext 1328
Fax 269.621.2725

Ermelinda Aranda
CSHCS Representative
Van Buren and Cass Counties

P 269.621.3143 ext 1348
Fax 269.621.2725

Applying for MI Child/Healthy Kids

It is in your best interest to apply on-line at MI Bridges this will speed processing, which allows your coverage for CSHCS to be extended sooner!

Access your CSHCS healthcare benefits and services using the myHealthButton and myHealthPortal. Click HERE for more information.

Additional Resources

Children with Special Needs Fund may provide partial or full payments for items including but not limited to: wheelchair ramps, van lifts and tie downs, therapeutic tricycles, air conditioners, adaptive recreational equipment, and electrical service upgrades necessitated by the eligible child’s equipment.

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