Van Buren County 2024 Food, Farm & Fun Guide!

Wondering why you should buy local? Here are some good reasons:

  • The Fresher, the Better: Locally sourced food retains more nutrients and flavor as it travels shorter distances from farm to table.
  • Better for the Environment: Buying local reduces transportation emissions, contributing to a healthier planet.
  • Accountability: Local farmers take pride in what they produce, ensuring quality and transparency.
  • Better for the Local Economy: Supporting local businesses keeps money circulating in our community, fostering economic growth and creating jobs.
  • Supporting the Local Farmer: By choosing local, you’re helping to sustain our rural way of life and supporting the hardworking farmers who are the backbone of our community.

Ready to explore the best of Van Buren County’s food, farms, and fun? Download and preview your guide today and join us in celebrating all the wonderful things our local community has to offer! Preview and download your own copy of the guide here.

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